Wylie Ahmed
Physics of living systems
Living cells cannot be clearly classified as liquid, solid, or anything in between because they are active systems that can dramatically change their properties via internally generated forces. This motivates the need to develop a new approach to understand the fundamental physics of living systems. My research focuses on defining biological cells as a new state-of-matter that exists only far-from-equilibrium. I believe this approach will help us understand the driving forces of life at the cellular-scale and define metabolic rate from a physical persective. To this end, we developed a combined microscope and optical tweezer system to measure nonequilibrium force fluctuations in living cells. This experimental apparatus will allow a new class of biophysical measurements.
Our research interests are primarily in the field of the physics of living systems at the microscopic scale. This field is at the intersection of physics, biology, and material science and seeks to shed new light on cell biological processes and create new forms of “living” matter with life-like properties. Our goal is to understand the basic physics underlying biological processes that make living things different from non-living. To quantify these biophysical systems we use optical microscopy, laser tweezers, high-speed imaging, and microfluidic devices.
Selected publications
Colin, A., Letort, G., Razin, N., Almonacid, M., Ahmed, W., Betz, T., . . . Verlhac, M. H. (2020). Active diffusion in oocytes nonspecifically centers large objects during prophase I and meiosis I. J Cell Biol, 219(3). doi:10.1083/jcb.201908195
Eldeen, S., Muoio, R., Blaisdell-Pijuan, P., La, N., Gomez, M., Vidal, A., & Ahmed, W. (2020). Quantifying the non-equilibrium activity of an active colloid. Soft Matter, 16(31), 7202-7209. doi:10.1039/d0sm00398k
Jones, C., Gomez, M., Muoio, R., Vidal, A., Mcknight, A., Brubaker, N., & Ahmed, W. W. (2021). Stochastic force dynamics of the model microswimmer Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Active forces and energetics. Phys Rev E, 103, 032403.
Leoni, M., Paoluzzi, M., Eldeen, S., Estrada, A., Nguyen, L., Alexandrescu, M., . . . Ahmed, W. W. (2020). Surfing and crawling macroscopic active particles under strong confinement: Inertial dynamics. Physical Review Research, 2(4). doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043299
Seyforth, H., Gomez, M., Rogers, W. B., Ross, J. L., & Ahmed, W. W. (2022). Nonequilibrium fluctuations and nonlinear response of an active bath. Physical Review Research, 4(2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.023043